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MKN Surveyors are RICS registered Valuers with the appropriate Professional Indemnity Insurance. We value residential property in the UK and Europe.

MKN Surveyors are RICS registered Valuers

The valuation and report are carried out in accordance with Practice Statements contained within Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) UKVS 3 Valuations of residential property in RICS Valuation – Global Standards 2017 (The Red Book).

We offer the following services:

  • Valuations for Matrimonial Purposes for calculation of an assets value for settlement in divorce.
  • Valuations for Probate – valuations of Estates for Inheritance tax purposes.
  • Help to Buy Valuations – As independent RICS Surveyors, with no ties to Real Estate agents, we can value houses in the UK on the Help to Buy Scheme. Within the area of 1.5 hours from the Head Office. Valuations are updated as needed for the client as occasionally settlement with the home owners help to buy funder is not achieved within the required 3 months.
  • France: Surveys for Probate, Matrimonial Purposes and sale price guide from an independent surveyor.
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